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Load & Performance Testing
Prime Qa Solutions Smoke Testing

Importance of Smoke Testing in Software Testing: A Key Part of Software Development Procedure

Importance of Smoke Testing in Software Testing:  Software testers use several techniques and tools for software testing in the software development industry. These software testing tools ensure that the final product is of good quality and reliable. Among these techniques, the modern-day testers use smoke testing as one of the most critical initial steps to […]

JMeter Tutorial For Beginners

A JMeter Tutorial For Beginners To Start With

Apache JMeter is a powerful open-source tool for performance and load testing web applications. It is designed to cover performance and functional test scripts on a variety of protocols and applications, more specifically internet applications. So lets learn about the installation of jmeter and the first test with it at a beginners level. What is […]

Automation Testing
Alerts and pop-ups in Automation Testing

How to handle alerts and pop-ups in Automation Testing using Selenium Java.

Handling Aaerts and pop-ups in automation testing is critical to driving a smooth user experience across web automation testing. Correctly handling alerts and pop-ups in automation testing is of utmost importance while testing using Selenium WebDriver in Java. This includes notifications acceptance or rejection, the evaluation of alert languages, and urgent alert response handling. Proper […]

Download and Install JMeter

How to Download and Install JMeter on Windows

Apache JMeter is a popular, open-source software designed for carrying out non-functional testing, load, and performance testing of Web applications. JMeter is a great choice if you need to improve the speed of your application by simulating multiple user queries. Here is a step-by-step explanation of Download and Install JMeter on a Windows computer. Step […]