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The Ultimate Blockchain Testing Solution With PrimeQA

As the use of blockchain technology grows, the need for rigorous testing to ensure its security, reliability and compliance with regulations and standards has become more critical. PrimeQA offers the ultimate blockchain testing solution, providing comprehensive testing services to identify and address any vulnerabilities in your blockchain system. With years of experience and a team of highly skilled professionals, PrimeQA is committed to delivering the best blockchain testing services to help you achieve optimal performance, reliability, and security of your
blockchain system. Whether you are a startup or an established organization, our tailored testing solutions can help you ensure that your blockchain technology is secure, reliable, and compliant with industry standards. With PrimeQA, you can trust that your blockchain system is in good hands.


Why Blockchain Testing is Important?

“Blockchain technology is only as strong as its weakest link, which is why rigorous testing is absolutely essential.”
– Joseph Lubin, co-founder of Ethereum

A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger that records transactions in a secure and immutable manner, which makes it an ideal platform for a wide range of applications, including financial transactions, supply chain management, and identity verification. However, the security and reliability of a blockchain system are only as good as the weakest link in the chain, meaning that any vulnerability or weakness in the system can compromise the entire network. That’s the reason testing is essential to identify and address any potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities in the blockchain system. Testing can help to ensure that the blockchain is secure, reliable, and performs as expected.

// Required Blockchain App Testing Services! No Worries 🙂



PrimeQA’s Process for Blockchain App Testing

Test Planning:

The test plan includes the testing environment, test cases, and testing
techniques to be used. Test planning helps ensure that testing is thorough,
comprehensive, and effective.

Functional Testing:

Functional testing includes the app’s basic functionality, such as sending
and receiving transactions, smart contract execution, and data storage and retrieval.

Security Testing:

Security testing involves identifying any security vulnerabilities, such as
cyber-attacks, data breaches, and fraudulent activities, and addressing them promptly to ensure the app’s security and reliability.

Performance Testing:

Performance testing helps to identify any bottlenecks, latency issues, and
other performance-related problems and helps to ensure that the app meets the required performance standards.

Usability Testing:

This testing involves testing the app’s user interface, user experience,
and accessibility to identify any usability issues and improve the overall user experience.

Generate Reports:

The last step is to generate a comprehensive test report that
includes all the test results, findings, and recommendations. The test report helps to provide a detailed overview of the app’s performance and reliability and provides a basis for further improvement and optimization.

Blockchain testing | App testing | Penetration testing | security | Penetration

Why PrimeQA for Blockchain Testing Services?

PrimeQA is a leading provider of blockchain app testing services with a wealth of experience in the field. Here are some reasons why PrimeQA is the right choice for your blockchain testing needs:

A Decade of Experience in Testing

PrimeQA has a team of highly skilled and experienced blockchain testing professionals who have a deep understanding of blockchain technology and its applications.

Agile Testing Approach

We follow an agile testing methodology that ensures quick turnaround times and faster time-to-market for your blockchain applications.

Customized Testing Solutions

At PrimeQA, we understand that every blockchain application is unique, and therefore we apply a customized testing approach and develop tailored testing plans to meet specific needs.

Competitive Pricing

Our pricing model is transparent, and we provide detailed cost breakdowns to ensure that our clients know exactly what they are paying for.

// Have Any Question?

FAQ Ask Any Thing About
Our Works & Company.

What kind of return on ROI should we expect?

"You get cost benefit with Testing team in India, years of experience & expertise by fixed competitive monthly pricing. Building a similar team using in-house employees will cost you twice as much. The cost increases if you start using contractors or consulting companies.
A Tester could come in at any stage, but we advise bringing them on at the earliest stages to minimize effort necessary for fixing problems related to inefficient processes, lack of resources, or poor testing tools."

What kind of projects do you handle?

We focus mainly on Software Testing Projects. We help you to build bug free systems. We can handle any size project, from Automation Testing , Functional Testing, Non Functional Testing to Web service testing done through various testing method and tools.

Will working in different time zones be a problem?

Operating across very different time zones can work well if you use the time zone difference to your advantage. Let’s say you base on the East Coast of the United States, we have a testing team in India which means Tester’s time zone being 9 hours ahead of EST. By the time your staff in the US arrive at work, everything is complete and they’re able to start their day. This approach works if the tasks required of each team are self-contained and allow each group to work in isolation, with little need for collaboration across time zones. Any questions the testers had for you could be raised at the start of your day, allowing you (hopefully) to have the answers ready by the time the testers arrived back at work. Also our teams are flexible to work outside our usual working hours in the evening, and still be available when the client needs them.

What industries do you have experience with?

" However, we do believe that we can learn an industry rather quickly. What’s important are our skills and experience in communicating and testing, to determine and implement the right business requirements. This makes sure we do exactly what you need and not what we think you need.

We have expertise in:
1. Finance
2. Real Estate
3. Healthcare
4. Ecommerce
5. Insurance
6. Education
8. Trade
9. Many more"

Why not simply hire an full time employee?

"You will need to find a good employee, the total cost of a Senior Tester is higher if you factor in the costs of hiring, HR, legal, hardware, office space, bonuses, increases, taxes and management time. We gives you a Senior Tester without the extra costs and worries with various resources and processes of a Software Testing company.

The best reasons to choose us:
1.Unclear and unstructured QA process
2.Instability of automated tests
3.Quality of the product is not as good as expected
4.Lack of transparency and control
5.Not enough QA / testing resources
6.QA activities cost too much
7.Implementation of modern methodologies required
8. Flexible engagement models to suit your project requirements"

Why PrimeQA ?

"Partnership with an independent software testing company minimizes risks, costs and ultimately, delivers superior user experiences that win in the marketplace.

We will build your own QA team to execute it over the long-term. The team points out software gaps by defining a unique QA testing strategy for your business. Software QA services bring engaging experts, a range of software testing tools, fair pricing, and successful product release."

When can PrimeQA Solutions help?

"We can help in the following cases:
1. The project has no structured QA process.
2. Quality of the product is not high enough for current requirements.
3. Looking to streamline the QA methodologies.
4. When the current QA team does not have enough experience and technical background."

We like the idea, but are unsure. Can we do a Pilot?

"We can provide examples of our previous work as well as develop a free proof of concept to prove our skills. PrimeQA Solution welcomes you to try our solutions. You may choose to have us do a Pilot Project. We have always succeeded in continuing the relationship after demonstration of ability in a pilot project.

Our preferred Pilot Project is either the first sub-system of a larger project, or an independent project that completes within itself. Pilot Projects are typically within 1-2 weeks' duration.

We invest the same time and energy in Pilot Projects as real projects. You would find the pilot of sufficient quality to continue on the same testing strategy . In this sense, Pilots are very different from prototypes."

What benefits can you guarantee?

"All projects we take up carry the following guarantees:

1. Confidentiality guarantee: All client details will be kept confidential
2. Price guarantee: Minimum 50% cost-saving over on-site development
3. Results guarantee: Progress-linked payments weighted toward the end."

How many overlapping hours of work do you provide?

We provide at least 4 hours of overlapping work. In most cases, this is enough for our clients and their teams.

Will QA team members have other projects in parallel?

No, your team won’t jump from project to project. They are guaranteed to work exclusively on your project. As a result, each of the team members knows the project in details and is able to Test any part of the application

QA team available to participate in daily/weekly calls?

Yes—they are your team members and follow the project rules.

My Project secrets & information safe with you?

All information is kept confidential. PrimeQA Solution will NOT use this information other than for direct communication between you and the company.

Will I own all of the deliverable produced by PrimeQA?

Yes, you will. All deliverable created by your Offshore Team are considered "work made for hire," and the intellectual property rights embodied in it are your sole and exclusive property.