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Security Testing
Test Case Examples for Login Pages: Ensuring Security and Functionality

In this modern world of Digitalization, more than 70% of users still reuse passwords or variations of passwords even after learning that they are not a good idea. This highlights the need for cybersecurity in this current digital ecosystem. The login pages work as a gateway to the private and most sensitive data of the users. This enables the organizations to ensure the security and functionality of the software. Now let us discuss how can the QA team that the login pages are not only secure, efficient, and user-friendly. Through conducting rigorous testing with the help of specific test cases that are designed for the login pages. You can guarantee a safe, smooth, and reliable user experience.

Why Testing the Login Pages is Important?

The login pages are most targeted by hackers for corporate and personal data breaches. A login page that is tested. The first interaction point of most users is a well-tested login page which makes a big difference in the positive and negative experiences of the users. By performing software testing on the login pages you identify the bottlenecks and the security gaps prevent unauthorized and ensure seamless functionality. Below are some of the important reasons explaining why log-in page testing is crucial for organizations.

  • Enhance the user experience: Enhance and validate the ease of use and functionality
  • Prevent security breaches: Ensure that there is no unauthorized access
  • Boost User Trust: Having a Reliable login page boosts user trust
  • Comply with the standards of the industry: Meet the requirements of security.

Key Test Example for the Login Pages  

Below I am mentioning important test cases to ensure that your login pages meet the standards of security and functionality.

Test Cases for Correct Usernames and Passwords

Test Case IDDescription Expected Results
TC001Enter the correct username and passwordThe user is redirected to the dashboard

Incorrect Username Test Case

Performing software testing with an incorrect username ensures that the system prevents access without using the proper credentials

Test Case IDDescriptionExpected Results
TC002Enter the incorrect username and password Access is denied with an error message

Test Case for Incorrect Password

When you enter the incorrect password using the correct username should block the access and prompt an error message.

Test Case IDDescriptionExpected Results
TC003Enter the correct username and incorrect password Access is denied with an error message


SQL Injection Test

This is a crucial security test, SQL injection testing helps in checking if the login pages it is vulnerable to injection attacks.

Test Case IDDescriptionExpected Results
TC004Enter the SQL command in the username/password fieldThe systems should prevent the database access 

Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) Attack Prevention

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks can cause severe security breaches. The test case helps in ensuring that the login page is XSS-proof

Test CaseDescriptionExpected Results
TC005Inject the Javascript in the username/ password fieldsThe system should prevent system execution
Discover how Test Case Examples for Login Pages: Ensuring Security and Functionality
Test Case Examples for Login Pages: Ensuring Security and Functionality

Additional Functional Test Case

Beyond security, the login pages should be user-friendly and free of any errors. Below are some additional test cases that are focused on functionality and usability.

Empty usernames and password fields        

Testing the login process with both the fields empty and ensuring that the system prompts users to enter credentials

Test CaseDescriptionExpected Results
TC006Leave the username and password field emptyThe system prompts “Please enter the credentials”

Password Masking Test         

It is done for the security of the user, the passwords must be masked to avoid the risk associated with shoulder surfing

Test Case IDDescriptionExpected Results
TC007Check whether the password is maskedThe password should be hidden as ********

“Remember Me” Checkbox Functionality

A lot of login pages offer a “Remember me” option. Test cases check whether the test functions as expected

Test Case IDDescriptionExpected Results
TC008Check the “Remember me” functionalityThe users remain logged in for a specific duration

Login Page Load Test      

Page loading speed is crucial for organizations to retain their users. The test cases help to examine how the login page loads under various condition

Test Case IDDescription Expected Results
TC009Measure the loading speed of the pageLogin page loads within 2-3 seconds

Timeout and Auto-Logout

It is used to protect against unauthorized access with many sessions having session timeouts. The test case helps by verifying that the session expires after inactivity.

Test Case IDDescription Expected Results
TC010Check the session timeouts after 10 minutesUsers log out after 10 minutes of inactivity

Security Statistics You Should Consider?

  • More than 75% of the data breaches happen due to stolen or weak passwords
  • More than 60% of the cyberattacks are caused on login pages and user access points
  • More than 90% of the users abandon the website due to its poor functionality

Best Practises Used for Login Pages

  1. Use of Automation Testing: It helps you by speeding up the process and improving the accuracy with the help of automation tools
  2. Implementing Security Testing: Regularly testing the defects and vulnerabilities including SQL injection and XSS.
  3. Real User Data: Use real data to simulate real-world scenarios
  4. Conduct Load Testing: It ensures that the login page can handle the load under heavy traffic


Thus we can conclude that performing software testing rigorously on the login pages protects the data by ensuring seamless functionality and a better user experience. By implementing the above-mentioned test cases the QA teams can easily handle the issues related to the security. By enhancing the usability and creating a reliable entry point to the applications. PrimeQA Solutions will help you to achieve your goals with expert testing services. Are you ready to secure the login pages? Reach out to PrimeQA Solutions for expert QA support which is tailored to your unique needs.


Why is it crucial to test the login pages?
Login pages are the first types of pages that you should consider safeguarding from hackers as they are frequently attacked. Testing will ensure seamless functionality and a good user experience.

What are the common issues related to security vulnerabilities in the login pages?
Having weak passwords, SQL injection, and XSS are common causes for issues that should be expressed during testing.

How often should we test the login pages?
You should regularly test the login pages, especially after updates, new threats detection or changes in user policy




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