Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



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+1 -800-456-478-23

Automation Testing
Behind the Scenes of Black Friday The Unsung Hero of Software Testing

Behind the Scenes of Black Friday: The Unsung Hero of Software Testing

BlackFridayTechChallenge: Dive In, Share Your Insights, and See the Tech Magic Unfold Black Friday has become more than just a shopping event—it’s a high-stakes digital marathon where retailers race for consumer clicks and purchases. As shoppers eagerly search for the best deals, there’s a complex digital infrastructure working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure a […]

Software testing
Outsourcing vs. In house Software Testing Which Is Right for Your Business

Outsourcing or In-house Software Testing: Which Is Best for Your Business?

Major Differences between Outsourcing and In-house Software Testing: In this modern era of the digital age software testing has dramatically changed the landscape of the software testing sector, with the drastic growth of machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence. Businesses are engaging with the latest testing methods like continuous testing, shift left, security testing, […]