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Load & Performance Testing
JMeter Vs LoadRunner

JMeter Vs LoadRunner: Which is Suitable for Performance Testing?

In software development, making sure the executing and dependableness of applications is paramount. Performance checking out plays a vital role in identifying bottlenecks, assessing scalability, and optimizing transcription overall performance. Two commonplace gear that dominated the landscapist of executing trying out are Apache Meter and Micro Focus LoadRunner. Both gear offer iron abilities for carrying […]

Load & Performance Testing
Load Testing For Web APIs

Load Testing For Web APIs

Every application communicates with backend APIs to serve requests. APIs act as a mediator between your front end and databases. Anything that you need from a database passes through APIs, which validate the request, connect with a database, and provide a response to your front end. When you have so many APIs powering your applications, […]

Load & Performance Testing Stress Testing
Performance testing vs load testing vs stress testing

Performance Testing vs. Load Testing vs. Stress Testing

You’ve probably heard of load and performance testing. So what’s the distinction betweenthe two? How about stress testing? Performance testing is a wide phrase that refers to any sort of testing that evaluates anapplication’s or system’s performance. Load testing is a sort of performance test thatdetermines how well an application operates under heavy demand. On […]