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Sanity Testing

Testing is an important phase in the software development process that ensures that the final product is going to meet the necessary features and quality standards. Sanity testing is one of the many methods of testing that is especially important. The purpose of this blog is to make clear the definition, method, and key aspects of sanity testing.

Software testing that is carried out to quickly determine whether an application is working properly following a minor modification or a bug fix is called sanity testing (also called sanity check or build verification test, or BVT). Unlike extensive testing techniques such as regression testing, that include repeat testing the whole application, sanity testing concentrates on specific features or areas of the software.

The Process of Sanity Testing:

Determine Scope: Defining the test’s scope is the very first stage during the sanity testing process. It involves selecting which software functions or functionalities will be subjected to the test.

Choosing Test Cases: Effective test cases are picked depending on the scope that was already determined. In general, these test cases target important features or parts of the application that have recently undergone modifications.

Run Tests: The chosen test cases are run using the updated software versions or build. Here, the goal is to make sure that the latest modifications haven’t negatively affected the application’s key features without thoroughly testing every component of it.

Check Results: Following the success of test cases, the results are reviewed to see if the program is working anticipated. Any uncommon findings or issues identified throughout testing are submitted for similarly testing and fixing.

Taking Decisions: Stakeholders decide if the product is prepared for additional test or release in step with the outcomes of the sanity test. The app may  pass directly to more thorough testing stages if it passes the sanity test. But before going forward, more debugging and correction might be needed if critical issues are found.

Key Features of Sanity Testing:

Because it focuses on particular features or areas of the program, sanity testing is a potent and targeted testing technique.

Quick Assessment: Sanity testing is typically completed in a short amount of time to enable developers to receive brief feedback on the software’s balance after modifications.

Low Overhead: Compared to comprehensive checking out approaches, sanity testing requires significantly fewer resources and time because it focuses on specific areas of the program.

Risk Mitigation: Sanity trying out reduces the danger of liberating a model of the software program that is faulty or risky by straight away detecting any serious flaws or regressions introduced approximately by way of recent modifications.

Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Sanity testing is commonly used in CI/CD pipelines to enable automated build testing prior to launching meaning that high-quality software is continuously delivered.

Sanity testing, in a nutshell is a important part of the process of developing software as it offers a quick and effective method to test the reliability of application after updates. Sanity testing helps to the confirmation of the final product’s dependability and quality by working on important aspects and sections of the program. Because of its essential characteristics and simplified approach,




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